Lee Legacy Coaching
Lee Legacy Coaching

Lisa W. Lee
Energy Therapist
Lisa W. Lee
Energy Therapist

Talk/Text Lisa W. Lee
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Creating the Foundation
for Lee Legacy Coaching
Creating the Foundation
for Lee Legacy Coaching
Lisa W. Lee actively pursues health—emotionally, physically, spiritually, and mentally. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in psychology with a minor in education from Michigan State University in 1982.
She finds holding the space for clients on a quest for wellness fascinating as they navigate the labyrinth of pain and growth.
When Lisa began Reiki's ancient Japanese energy technique 25 years ago, it opened her up to the awareness of the depth and mystery of being human. Connecting with life force energy creates an opening for healing, progress, and understanding.
As Brain Science Evolved,
So Has Therapy
As Brain Science Evolved,
So Has Therapy
We look at life through a particular lens driven by survival, childhood experiences, and brain patterning. It is challenging to "see and experience life from a new perspective." Our thoughts and programming need to disrupt and realize a new way of living. Teaching tools for living, navigating, and going beyond our rote way of relating to the world becomes the paradigm for healing.
With coaching and support, you can move from the perpetual human sense of survival (anxious, afraid, and disconnected) to accessing self-empowerment, confidence, and connection.
Coaching clients in their process of personal growth is rewarding and inspiring. We will use energy techniques, practical coaching, and a genuine sense of partnership. Lisa will support you as you embark on transformation.
What Makes Lisa's Therapeutic Style Unique?
What Makes Lisa's Therapeutic Style Unique?
She accesses the quantum field where all possibilities for healing exist. Lisa guides you into a new future with energy techniques and skilled coaching.

You do not need to be fixed.
You need to be liberated!
Freedom. Well-being. Intimacy. Happiness.
Yes, please!
Client Appreciation
Client Appreciation
During our sessions, Lisa offers me a unique blend of skills and techniques she continuously develops and refines. I benefit from her passion for learning new material and her commitment to deeper nuance and complexity of well-honed knowledge.
Because of the diversity of Lisa's skills, I feel my whole person is engaged in our sessions: my mind, body, emotions, energy, body, and spirit. (this is high on the list of differences between my sessions with Lisa and my experience in traditional talk therapy)
I describe Lisa's style as confident and thoughtful, curious, reflective, and engaging.
She has a keen sense of timing and utilizes deep listening. I not only feel prepared and encouraged for the growth process, but I feel accompanied throughout all stages of transformation.
Our conversations are incredibly collaborative. Lisa also models and cultivates an attitude of nonjudgment. Nonjudgement fosters self-compassion, and when compassion is present, it's like a booster rocket to creative problem-solving, the obstacles that keep me stuck. I leave each session feeling more empowered.
— D.B.